NEC Bill Inserts
Bill Inserts
When you receive your bill each month, keep your eye out for our bill inserts, which contain news, energy-saving tips and more.
Jan. 2024: Load Shed/Youth Programs
Feb. 2024: Operation Round Up/ Critical Care
March 2024: Website Redesign/Poison Prevention Week
April 2024: Generac/Paperless Biling/Joe Electric/Halo Flight
May 2024: Member Sat. Survey Coming Soon/Hurricane Preparedness/Paperless Billing
June 2024: Paperless Biling/HALO-Flight/Hurricane Preparedness Checklist
July 2024: Cyber Security/Lineman2Lineman/Beat the Peak/Hurricane Guidelines
August 2024: Annual Report Invitation/Scholarship and Youth Tour/Halo-Flight/L2L/Save A Watt
September 2024: Save A Watt/Youth Programs/Annual Meeting Invitation
October 2024: Save A Watt Invitation/ Annual Report/ Youth Programs
November 2024: Annual Meeting/Youth Tour/Scholarship/Deck the House/Capital Credits/Generac
December 2024: Capital Credits/Save A Watt Recap/Youth Programs/Winter Energy Savings
Bill Inserts
When you receive your bill each month, keep your eye out for our bill inserts, which contain news, energy-saving tips and more.
Jan. 2023: Understanding Your Bill / Scholarships
Feb. 2023: Operation Round Up/Charities/Critical Care List
Mar. 2023: 811 Call Before You Dig/SmartHub Paperless Billing
April 2023: HALO-Flight Guardian Plan Increase/Load Shed Information
May 2023: Annual Member Satisfaction Survey
June 2023: Hurricane Preparedness Guide / HALO-Flight Guardian Plan Increase
July 2023: Generac Program / #Lineman2Lineman
August 2023: Paperless Billing / Generac Program
September 2023: Scholarships and Youth Tour / Annual Meeting Save the Date
October 2023: Critical Care List / Load Shed Information / Other Programs & Events
November 2023: Youth Programs / Holiday Contest / Capital Credits
December 2023: Operation Round Up / Youth Programs / Deck the House
Bill inserts
When you receive your bill each month, keep your eye out for our bill inserts, which contain news, energy-saving tips and more.
Dec. 2022: Scholarships / Deck The House / Broadband Survey / Load Shed
Nov. 2022: Capital Credits / Scholarships / Hurricane Preparedness
Oct. 2022: Arbor Day / Scholarships / Hurricane Preparedness
Sep. 2022: Annual Membership Meeting
Aug. 2022: 2 Types of Conservation Requested by NEC / Understanding Your Electric Bill
June 2022: Hurricane Preparedness
May 2022: Member Satisfaction Survey
April 2022: Spring Storm Safety
March 2022: Expert Electrical Services
Bill inserts
When you receive your bill each month, keep your eye out for our bill inserts, which contain news, energy-saving tips and more.
- Nov. - Dec. 2020: Capital Credit Return
- Oct. 2020: Arbor Day/Power Usage Alerts
- Sept. 2020: Virtual Annual Meeting
- Aug. 2020: Go Digital: Download Smarthub
- July 2020: HALO-Flight Guardian Program
- June 2020: National Safety Month
- May 2020: Member Satisfaction Survey
- Apr. 2020: Life Support - Update Your Contact Info
- Mar. 2020: Join the Fight to Stop Scammers
- Feb. 2020: Nueces Electric Charities/Community Support
- Jan. 2020: New Year's Savings
Bill inserts
When you receive your bill each month, keep your eye out for our bill inserts, which contain news, energy-saving tips and more.
- Dec. 2021: Broadband Survey
- Nov. 2021: Electrician Services
- Oct. 2021: Arbor Day
- Sept. 2021: Virtual Annual Membership Meeting
- Aug. 2021: #WhoPowersYou - #Lineman2Lineman
- July 2021: HALO-Flight Guardian Program
- June 2021: Hurricane Preparedness
- May 2021: Member Satisfaction Survey
- April 2021: Life Support - Update Your Contact Info
- Mar. 2021: Electric Bill FAQ
- Feb. 2021: Community Focused
- Jan. 2021: Understanding Your Electric Bill