2025 Government-In-Action Youth Leadership Tour
Youth Tour is an all-expense-paid trip for high school juniors to learn about different aspects of the government, meet their members of Congress and visit historical sites.
This year, NEC will send two delegates from the cooperative to participate. This year’s trip will begin in Austin, Texas on June 15, 2025, and continue on to tour sites in Washington D.C. before the trip concludes on June 22nd, 2025. The travel package, valued at more than $3,600, includes air transportation to and from Washington D.C., hotel stay, meals, admission fees, and $250 cash for extra expenses. PLUS: Each winner will also receive a $1,000 scholarship, should they attend an accredited Texas college or university.
For additional information, email communications@nueceselectric.org or call 361-387-2581 and ask for Communications.
1. Applicant must be a high school student in junior year of high school and must not have already participated in Youth Tour through any Texas Cooperative.
2. Applicant must have consent of and reside in the home with a parent or legal guardian who is a current member of Nueces Electric Cooperative.
3. Applicant must return the completed application and video submission along with a recent head and shoulder digital photo by Friday, January 31st, 2025. Applications can be submitted online or via mail, email (Communications@nueceselectric.org), or fax (361.933.1178).
4.You may choose to submit either a video or an essay. Additional details on both options are provided below.
5. Video submission must be 3-5 minutes in length, and no longer, on the topic of: "Understanding my Electric Cooperative." All video submissions become NEC property. View more instructions for this video on the 'Video Submission Instructions' tab.
6. Essay must be 400-600 words in length, typed and double-spaced on the topic of: "Understanding my Electric Cooperative." You must submit your essay via email Communications@nueceselectric.org or fax (361.933.1178). All essays become NEC property
7. Applications will be scored on accuracy of information, grammar, originality and content. Applicants must be able to interview in-person if they are selected as Finalists.
8. From the group of Finalists, the Winners will be selected based on the score from their essay and their interview with a panel of judges where they will be scored based on simple knowledge of the Cooperative, knowledge of government, poise, and communication skills. (Possible interview questions will be provided to Finalists ahead of time.)
9. Each Winner must also be able to attend the June 2025 Board of Directors Meeting as well as the October 2025 Annual Meeting to speak on behalf of Youth Tour to encourage others to apply.
10. A First Runner-Up will be named to take the place of the Winner should they be unable to meet these requirements or is found to be a poor representative of the Cooperative.
*All submitted essays may be used for additional purposes by NEC, and become NEC property once submitted*
Instructions for Video Essay Submission
Please follow the instructions below to ensure your video submission meets all requirements:
1. Personal Introduction: Begin your video with a brief personal introduction. Include:
- Your full name
- The high school you currently attend
- An interesting fact(s) about yourself (hobbies, passions, goals, etc.)
2. Topic: “Understanding My Electric Cooperative”
- The body of your video should explain what you know or have learned about your electric cooperative.
- Discuss how being a member of the cooperative has impacted your life, and how you believe it can enrich your life moving forward.
- Conclude your video by sharing what you learned from exploring the topic. This can include new insights, skills, or how your perspective has changed.
3. Video Format
- Your video should be at least 3 minutes long and no longer than 5 minutes.
- Make sure the audio is clear, and your face is visible throughout the video.
4. Submission Instructions
- Upload your file to Google Drive and share to this email: communications@nueceselectric.org. Ensure that anyone with a link can access your file.
- Complete the video submission by Friday, January 31, 2025 at 5:00pm.
Tips for Success:
- Be clear and concise in your responses.
- Follow all instructions and adhere to the deadline.
- Speak confidently and ensure good audio and video quality.
- Express your thoughts creatively and authentically.
Helpful Resources:
- NEC's Texas Co-op Power Magazine
- NEC's Bill Inserts
- NEC's Annual Meeting Video & Department Highlights
- Texas Co-op Power
Helpful Tips About NEC:
- Our members are owners
- We care about our community unity
- We work hard to be a good community partner
- We focus on our service to our members
- We ensure safety and service to our employees and our communities
- Our commitment to our members is to secure reliable and affordable energy needs
We look forward to receiving your video! Good luck!
Should you have any questions or concerns, email communications@nueceselectric.org or call 361-387-2581. An NEC representative will contact you should any issues with your video file arise.
Submit your application one of three ways:
Online here: Submit Youth Tour Application
Email: communications@nueceselectric.org
Mail to Nueces Electric Cooperative, Attn Communications: 14353 Cooperative Ave, Robstown, TX 78380
Fax: 361.933.1178