(Tuesday, September 14, 2021) 9:00am Update- As a Category 1 Hurricane, Nicholas made landfall at 12:30am this morning, near Sargent, Texas. Nicholas is currently on land as a tropical storm. At this time, NEC is de-activating its emergency response plan for this tropical cyclone. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
(Monday, September 13, 2021) 1:00pm Update- Tropical Storm Nicholas has slightly shifted to the east but continues to move north at 12 mph with max sustained winds near 60 mph. Landfall is expected to occur along the middle to upper Texas Coast later tonight. With the easterly shift in the center, impacts in the Coastal Bend will be slightly lower. NEC continues taking steps to prepare for the storm, and we urge our members to do so as well. Dangerous winds, heavy rain and flooding could still cause a threat to our service territory. To report an outage, please call 1-800-632-9288 or 361-387-2581.
(September 13, 2021) 8:30am Update- With Tropical Storm Nicholas expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain to parts of the NEC territory, we encourage our members to visit our storm center webpage for storm preparedness information. Weather forecasts expect 4-6 inches of rain, but higher amounts are possible. Flooding is most likely in urban areas, small creeks, and streams. A flash flood warning remains active.
To report an outage, please call 1-800-632-9288 or 361-387-2581. We’re prepared to respond to any outages this storm could cause. However, please keep in mind that flooding conditions and high winds may make it more difficult for our linemen to restore power, and outages could be longer than normal.
(September 12, 2021) 1:00pm Update- As Tropical Storm Nicholas continues to move closer to the coast, we are standing by to work on storm-related power outages. Follow the US National Weather Service Corpus Christi Texas for Tropical Storm Nicholas news and updates. NEC urges members to act now to prepare to remain safe and comfortable in the event of extended outages!
Tips to remember:
- Report outages on SmartHub or by calling 1-800-632-9288.
- Do not approach downed power lines or poles. They could still be energized and are dangerous.
-Do not plug the generator into home circuits if you don’t have a professionally installed transfer switch. Otherwise, you could back feed electricity onto deenergized lines which could kill a power line worker down the line as he works to restore power.
- If you are in a coastal or flood-prone area, be prepared for the possibility of flooding. Do not drive through flood waters. Turn around, don't drown.
- Unplug appliances and devices to prevent power surges to them.
- Keep refrigerators and freezers closed to help maintain the temperature.
- Secure loose items around your home.
Tropical Storm-force conditions (39-73mph winds) could arrive as early as Monday afternoon and last through Tuesday morning.
(September 12, 2021) 10:30am Update- Tropical Storm Nicholas has just formed in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Winds are expected to peak near 65 mph. At this time, Nicholas is not expected to become a hurricane, but we will continue to monitor future forecasts. Tropical storm force conditions could begin as early as Monday afternoon. We encourage our members, especially those on life support or those taking care of someone on life support to prepare for the possibility of extended outages.
We also want to encourage our members to visit our storm center webpage for storm preparedness information. To report an outage, please call 1-800-632-9288 or 361-387-2581.
(September 12, 2021) 7:30am Update: There remains a 90% chance for tropical cyclone development in the far SW Gulf in the coming days. Be prepared for possible tropical storm watches and warnings. NEC's service territory is expected to experience heavy rainfall. We encourage all members to stay safe and dry! NEC is prepared to respond to any outages that our members might experience during this time. Should an outage occur, please report it to our office at 1-800-632-9288. Please have your name, account number, and other important information ready.
(September 11, 2021) 2:00pm Update: There is now a 90% chance that a Tropical Depression forms in the far SW Gulf Sunday or Monday, before moving North toward the Texas Gulf Coast. Additional development into a Tropical Storm is possible if the system remains over the Gulf long enough. Regardless of how intense this storm is at landfall, heavy rainfall is expected. Please keep in mind that flooding conditions could make it more difficult for our linemen to respond to outages, and outage times could be longer than normal. As always, outages can be reported by phone at 1-800-632-9288 and online through your SmartHub account.
(September 11, 2021) 11:00am Update: The Tropical storm force conditions could begin as early as Monday afternoon. The National Weather Service is expecting a chance for heavy rainfall throughout our service areas Sunday - Tuesday. NEC has activated its emergency response plan. Please visit the NEC storm center on our website for storm preparedness tips and up to date information. We encourage our members, especially those on life support or those taking care of someone on life support, to prepare for the possibility of extended outages. We will continue to monitor the development of this disturbance. As we receive more information, we will update our members.
NEC Prepared For Local Effects Of Tropical Storm Nicholas
Hurricane Power Outages: Are You Prepared?