The third full week in March each year is National Poison Prevention Week (NPPW), a week dedicated to raising awareness to poison control centers and the Poison Help Hotline (1-800-222-1222). The American Association of Poison Control Centers is a national nonprofit organization representing each of the 55 poison control centers in the United States, the more than 1,700 professionals these centers employ, as well as other poison-related organizations. AAPCC’s mission is to actively advance the health care role and public health mission of its members through information, advocacy, education, and research. AAPCC’s core membership is made up of the U.S. poison control centers who combined answer calls to the Poison Help hotline in every U.S. state and territory. This includes the physicians, pharmacists, nurses, health educators, and administrators they employ.
Each year, more than 90% of exposures reported to local poison control centers occur in the home. Here are some ways you can keep your family, friends, and yourself poison-safe at home: